The Railway Children follows the enchanting story of children Bobbie, Peter and Phyllis after they move from busy London to rural Yorkshire with their mother. The move comes as they negotiate dramatic life-changes after their father is mysteriously taken away, and in this unfamiliar situation and surrounding they soon befriend the local railway porter to join in their adventures.
A Railway Children theatre break promises both charm and mystery, as the trio embark on a journey of discovery, friendship and excitement, tinged with the intrigue around their father’s disappearance and uncertain return.
E. Nesbit’s timeless classic returns to the stage in a truly unique and breath-taking adaptation, after winning the Olivier Award for Best Entertainment in 2011. Set in Kings Cross, a new, purpose built 1,000 seat venue, the story comes alive on a stage centred around a real train track, with a beautiful 60-tonne steam engine promising to captivate audiences young and old. With its unique staging and heart-warming story, this really is a production not to miss!
Why not package your Railway Children theatre break with one of the London hotel rooms we offer, in order to make a truly memorable trip to the capital. Our customer advisors are more than happy to offer their expertise or include rail tickets in your package, so just give us a call to arrange or enquire about what promises to be a truly magical theatre break.
‘There were shrieks of excitement from the stalls and the watching children were round-eyed in amazement.’ The Independent
'A triumph of atmospheric invention' The Guardian
'A miraculous staging of E Nesbit's classic with a real steam engine' Evening Standard
This production supports the Railway Children Charity, aiming to help homeless and runaway children worldwide, with £1 donated to the charity with each ticket purchased
The name of the impressive locomotive that steals the show in this production is Stirling Single.
The heating system used for the custom-made stage is on loan to the production from Google.
Minimum age 2 years plus, parental discretion advised. Babes in arms not admitted. Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
Tuesday - Saturday evenings @ 7.30pm
Thursday, Saturday & Sunday matinees @ 2.30pm
Running time - 2 hours 10 minutes
Booking until - 08/01/2017